A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.
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Demonstrates the tests generated for a record type that has properties that have init accessors
record Person
private readonly string _firstName;
private readonly string _lastName;
public Guid Id { get; init; }
public string FirstName
get => _firstName;
init => _firstName = (value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)));
public string? MiddleName { get; init; }
public string LastName
get => _lastName;
init => _lastName = (value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)));
public IList<string> IceCreamFlavours { get; init; }
public class PersonTests
private readonly Person _testClass;
private Guid _id;
private string _firstName;
private string _middleName;
private string _lastName;
private IList<string> _iceCreamFlavours;
public PersonTests()
_id = new Guid("8286d046-9740-a3e4-95cf-ff46699c73c4");
_firstName = "TestValue607156385";
_middleName = "TestValue1321446349";
_lastName = "TestValue1512368656";
_iceCreamFlavours = new[] { "TestValue1507096884", "TestValue2039633683", "TestValue200550235" };
_testClass = new Person
Id = _id,
FirstName = _firstName,
MiddleName = _middleName,
LastName = _lastName,
IceCreamFlavours = _iceCreamFlavours
public void CanInitialize()
// Act
var instance = new Person
Id = _id,
FirstName = _firstName,
MiddleName = _middleName,
LastName = _lastName,
IceCreamFlavours = _iceCreamFlavours
// Assert
public void CannotInitializeWithNullIceCreamFlavours()
FluentActions.Invoking(() => new Person
Id = _id,
FirstName = _firstName,
MiddleName = _middleName,
LastName = _lastName,
IceCreamFlavours = default(IList<string>)
[InlineData(" ")]
public void CannotInitializeWithInvalidFirstName(string value)
FluentActions.Invoking(() => new Person
Id = _id,
FirstName = value,
MiddleName = _middleName,
LastName = _lastName,
IceCreamFlavours = _iceCreamFlavours
[InlineData(" ")]
public void CannotInitializeWithInvalidMiddleName(string value)
FluentActions.Invoking(() => new Person
Id = _id,
FirstName = _firstName,
MiddleName = value,
LastName = _lastName,
IceCreamFlavours = _iceCreamFlavours
[InlineData(" ")]
public void CannotInitializeWithInvalidLastName(string value)
FluentActions.Invoking(() => new Person
Id = _id,
FirstName = _firstName,
MiddleName = _middleName,
LastName = value,
IceCreamFlavours = _iceCreamFlavours
public void ImplementsIEquatable_Person()
// Arrange
var same = new Person
Id = _id,
FirstName = _firstName,
MiddleName = _middleName,
LastName = _lastName,
IceCreamFlavours = _iceCreamFlavours
var different = new Person();
// Assert
_testClass.Equals(new object()).Should().BeFalse();
(_testClass == same).Should().BeTrue();
(_testClass == different).Should().BeFalse();
(_testClass != same).Should().BeFalse();
(_testClass != different).Should().BeTrue();
public void IdIsInitializedCorrectly()
public void FirstNameIsInitializedCorrectly()
public void MiddleNameIsInitializedCorrectly()
public void LastNameIsInitializedCorrectly()
public void IceCreamFlavoursIsInitializedCorrectly()