
A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.

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Property Initialization Checks

Demonstrates how properties that have matching constructor parameters are checked that they are initialized automatically

Source Type(s)

public class ExampleClass
    public ExampleClass(int identity, string description, Guid uniqueCode)
        Identity = identity;
        Description = description;
        UniqueCode = uniqueCode;

    public int Identity { get; }
    public string Description { get; }
    public Guid UniqueCode { get; }

Generated Tests

public class ExampleClassTests
    private readonly ExampleClass _testClass;
    private int _identity;
    private string _description;
    private Guid _uniqueCode;

    public ExampleClassTests()
        _identity = 534011718;
        _description = "TestValue237820880";
        _uniqueCode = new Guid("97408286-a3e4-cf95-ff46-699c73c4a1cd");
        _testClass = new ExampleClass(_identity, _description, _uniqueCode);

    public void CanConstruct()
        // Act
        var instance = new ExampleClass(_identity, _description, _uniqueCode);

        // Assert

    [InlineData("   ")]
    public void CannotConstructWithInvalidDescription(string value)
        FluentActions.Invoking(() => new ExampleClass(_identity, value, _uniqueCode)).Should().Throw<ArgumentNullException>().WithParameterName("description");

    public void IdentityIsInitializedCorrectly()

    public void DescriptionIsInitializedCorrectly()

    public void UniqueCodeIsInitializedCorrectly()