
A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.

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Demonstrates the tests generated for a type that contains an indexer

Source Type(s)

public class TypeWithIndexer
    public string this[string cookieName]
        get { return "hello"; }

    public string this[string cookieName, int cookieId]
        get { return "hello"; }
        set { }

Generated Tests

public class TypeWithIndexerTests
    private readonly TypeWithIndexer _testClass;

    public TypeWithIndexerTests()
        _testClass = new TypeWithIndexer();

    public void CanGetIndexerForString()
        throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");

    public void CanSetAndGetIndexerForStringAndInt()
        var testValue = "TestValue1657007234";
        _testClass["TestValue237820880", 1002897798].As<object>().Should().BeAssignableTo<string>();
        _testClass["TestValue237820880", 1002897798] = testValue;
        _testClass["TestValue237820880", 1002897798].Should().Be(testValue);