
A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.

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Frameworks - Fluent Assertions

Demonstrates how tests are generated using XUnit for the test framework and NSubstitute for the mocking framework. Also shows using FluentAssertions for the assertion framework.

Source Type(s)

public interface IDependency
    int Method();

public class TestClass
    IDependency _dependency;

    public TestClass(IDependency dependency)
        _dependency = dependency;

    public void SomeMethod(string methodName, int methodValue)
        var x = _dependency.Method();
        System.Console.WriteLine("Testing this" + x);

    public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> SomeAsyncMethod(string methodName, int methodValue)
        System.Console.WriteLine("Testing this");
        return System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(0);

Generated Tests

public class TestClassTests
    private readonly TestClass _testClass;
    private readonly IDependency _dependency;

    public TestClassTests()
        _dependency = Substitute.For<IDependency>();
        _testClass = new TestClass(_dependency);

    public void CanConstruct()
        // Act
        var instance = new TestClass(_dependency);

        // Assert

    public void CannotConstructWithNullDependency()
        FluentActions.Invoking(() => new TestClass(default(IDependency))).Should().Throw<ArgumentNullException>().WithParameterName("dependency");

    public void CanCallSomeMethod()
        // Arrange
        var methodName = "TestValue237820880";
        var methodValue = 1002897798;


        // Act
        _testClass.SomeMethod(methodName, methodValue);

        // Assert

        throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");

    [InlineData("   ")]
    public void CannotCallSomeMethodWithInvalidMethodName(string value)
        FluentActions.Invoking(() => _testClass.SomeMethod(value, 1657007234)).Should().Throw<ArgumentNullException>().WithParameterName("methodName");

    public async Task CanCallSomeAsyncMethod()
        // Arrange
        var methodName = "TestValue1412011072";
        var methodValue = 929393559;

        // Act
        var result = await _testClass.SomeAsyncMethod(methodName, methodValue);

        // Assert
        throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");

    [InlineData("   ")]
    public async Task CannotCallSomeAsyncMethodWithInvalidMethodName(string value)
        await FluentActions.Invoking(() => _testClass.SomeAsyncMethod(value, 760389092)).Should().ThrowAsync<ArgumentNullException>().WithParameterName("methodName");