
A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.

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Abstract Classes

Demonstrates how Unitverse generates tests when the source class is abstract or contains protected methods, as well as how inheritance chains are accounted for

Source Type(s)

public abstract class TestClass
    protected TestClass()
    { }

    protected abstract int AbstractMethod();

    protected virtual int ProtectedMethod() => 1;

    public virtual int SomeMethod(int i) => 1;

    public virtual int GenericMethod<T>(int i) => 1;

Generated Tests

public class TestClassTests
    private class TestTestClass : TestClass
        public TestTestClass() : base()

        public int PublicProtectedMethod()
            return base.ProtectedMethod();

        protected override int AbstractMethod()
            return default(int);

    private readonly TestTestClass _testClass;

    public TestClassTests()
        _testClass = new TestTestClass();

    public void CanCallProtectedMethod()
        // Act
        var result = _testClass.PublicProtectedMethod();

        // Assert
        throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");

    public void CanCallSomeMethod()
        // Arrange
        var i = 534011718;

        // Act
        var result = _testClass.SomeMethod(i);

        // Assert
        throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");

    public void CanCallGenericMethod()
        // Arrange
        var i = 237820880;

        // Act
        var result = _testClass.GenericMethod<T>(i);

        // Assert
        throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");