A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.
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Demonstrates how Unitverse generates tests when the source class is abstract or contains protected methods, as well as how inheritance chains are accounted for
public abstract class TestClass
protected TestClass()
{ }
protected abstract int AbstractMethod();
protected virtual int ProtectedMethod() => 1;
public virtual int SomeMethod(int i) => 1;
public virtual int GenericMethod<T>(int i) => 1;
public class TestClassTests
private class TestTestClass : TestClass
public TestTestClass() : base()
public int PublicProtectedMethod()
return base.ProtectedMethod();
protected override int AbstractMethod()
return default(int);
private readonly TestTestClass _testClass;
public TestClassTests()
_testClass = new TestTestClass();
public void CanCallProtectedMethod()
// Act
var result = _testClass.PublicProtectedMethod();
// Assert
throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");
public void CanCallSomeMethod()
// Arrange
var i = 534011718;
// Act
var result = _testClass.SomeMethod(i);
// Assert
throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");
public void CanCallGenericMethod()
// Arrange
var i = 237820880;
// Act
var result = _testClass.GenericMethod<T>(i);
// Assert
throw new NotImplementedException("Create or modify test");